a map of selected projects


To work and create for nothing… to know that one
’s creation has no future, to see one’s work destroyed in a day while being aware that, fundamentally, this has no more importance than building for centuries— this is the difficult wisdom that absurd thought sanctions.                                    - Albert Camus


the worst thing about
public art
is not the art

          - Diogenes
   It is important to understand that the Opacity Project has no relation to either the Mendacity Project or the Atrocity Project, both of which receive stable, institutional funding levels and enjoy the participation of the military, the media, and in some cases entire nations.

   Please keep this in mind.

a negatextual introduction to opacity

We do not live in cities, we persist in opacities
Transport Commun
A year in the transit system of Paris.
Pain Proust
Feeding À la recherche du temps perdu, by Marcel Proust, to birds.
I am not the end
I am not the end
Excerpts from The Notebooks of Joseph Joubert written in chalk on a staircase.
Memento Mori
What we do not write for those who do exist we write for one who does not exist.
The Prince
Excerpts from Gargoyles, by Thomas Bernhard written in chalk on the street.

Excerpts from Daybreak, by Friedrich Nietzsche written in chalk on a staircase.
The Mechanism of Utopia, by E.M. Cioran written in chalk on pavement.
Total Domination
An excerpt from The Origins of Totalitarianism, by Hannah Arendt  written in chalk on pavement for twelve hours.
The Grand Inquisitor
A chapter from The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, written in chalk on railway ties.
Low Tide
The essay To Philosophize is to Learn How to Die by Michel de Montaigne written in chalk on rocks at low tide.

Marathon readings of entire books in unlikely locations.
Pedestrian Guidance
Helpful advice for those with both feet on the ground.

I ndividual words from an
English dictionary hidden in fruit and left for insects and other animals to feed on.
Water-based ink written on rocks at low tide on beaches throughout Vancouver.
Au Revoir
Blowing down a street near you. 
Installation of weeping stations throughout Vancouver. 
The Anti-Room
It is a concentration of dark matter. It is somewhere in Vancouver. 
If you can find it you are welcome to stay.

Poetry is Disaster 