Transport commun (les rêveries d’un passager solitaire) |
les gens éveilles, il n’existe qu’une monde, qui
est commun, alors que dans le sommeil chacun se détourne vers un monde qui lui est propre — Héraclite |
There is not an image more representative of the confinements and incivilities of daily life than that of commuters crushed together inside a bus. Travelling in cages with others, enslaved to tyrannical schedules, and personally culpable for every irregularity in a system that despises you- to take a bus, or a metro, is for many a calumny… and for those who have the freedom to choose other forms of submission to the quotidian, it is something unspeakably worse. To live in contemporary society, within its grand cities, to persist within its unfathomable complexity and to find one's place amidst its interminable flux, to be familiar with its dehumanizing forces, its seductions that promise only frustration, and to the generalized insomnia that is central to its pathology, the question cannot fail to arise: how to resist? How to remain human? How to sleep, how to dream... how to awaken, truly? Over time such questions lose their interrogative force. They becomes words on a wall we pass hundreds of times every week, words forced to kneel and beg for alms, words forced to sell what is not their own while at the same time renouncing their proper origin, their homeland— liberty. How to resist… my strategy in Transport Commun, as it was in Pain Proust and in the Encyclodesiropedia, was to seize an element of our unbearable daily life, an element that is a part of our degradation, and then use it against itself. A moment I must endure, or even a moment I must simply pass, mindlessly, is thereby transformed into the material of a creative act. Repeating this act every day is sufficient to transform the world in a non-trivial way. Liberty opens its eyes, says hello, and asks your name… a true homecoming. And homecoming is the repressed desire of every traveller and every worker and every vehicle and every road or rail line that, together, comprise our transport commun. |
The following is a record of bus and metro trips (RATP; Paris, France) taken each day during 2013. The number of each bus and metro line is indicated for each day, resulting in a code. These codes are added together to give a sum at the end of each month. The total for the entire year is indicated below, and functions as a numerical representation of my passage through the year. I have also graphically represented my movements through the system of public transportation in Paris for each month and for the year in total (click here), which can be interpreted as a rudimentary circulatory system of my year... 2013. | ||||||||||||
(regles du jeu): |
58 |
663838 |
382218686 |
0 |
186 |
4 |
0 |
1238 |
3879638 |
38689 |
8614 |
3838 |
2 |
487886 |
487186 |
3891886 |
283886 |
384 |
0 |
0 |
38278686 |
5838 |
38838 |
6996 |
3838 |
3 |
38218686 |
4438 |
68127 |
0 |
2838 |
438 |
0 |
88686 |
38218686 |
27878686 |
68144 |
3838 |
4 |
38278686 |
3838 |
3838 |
6886 |
384 |
389638 |
0 |
67864 |
384 |
3838 |
3838 |
3827878686 |
5 |
4884638686 |
438 |
3838186 |
66 |
38 |
3838 |
0 |
382786113 |
3838 |
412 |
3838 |
388686 |
6 |
438 |
3838 |
384 |
0 |
48821109696 |
3863186 |
0 |
384 |
388914186 |
9 |
388686 |
3887866 |
7 |
3838 |
384 |
388686 |
38 |
38 |
66819 |
0 |
3827 |
38189 |
962738 |
3827468 |
3896886 |
8 |
38 |
38 |
388686 |
3838 |
427274 |
0 |
0 |
383827878686 |
4383838 |
3838 |
6688686 |
3838 |
9 |
38218686 |
39754 |
38842388638 |
38868888 |
44 |
96 |
0 |
66886 |
3838 |
382721878686 |
3884898686 |
3838 |
10 |
38384 |
3887186 |
38 |
3838 |
66 |
383869 |
0 |
8786 |
382787864 |
38218686 |
38 |
38278686 |
11 |
3886186 |
12186 |
3838 |
3838 |
48686 |
33838 |
0 |
384 |
3821868638 |
3821878686 |
3838 |
384 |
12 |
688686 |
384 |
38 |
38212727 |
49632 |
2787186 |
0 |
3838 |
38 |
4121078686 |
38 |
38186 |
13 |
4 |
38279558 |
3838 |
69688638 |
6638 |
382786 |
0 |
38278686 |
0 |
38186 |
3868 |
383875886 |
14 |
3838 |
3838 |
384883 |
610106 |
3844 |
96383827869 |
0 |
38273838 |
0 |
38386 |
3838 |
46866886 |
15 |
3838 |
3838105886 |
66 |
4 |
3838 |
964 |
688686 |
384 |
0 |
3838 |
388686 |
4 |
16 |
3838 |
66886 |
38186 |
42738 |
3838 |
4272769 |
6872186 |
384 |
0 |
38 |
44 |
0 |
17 |
3838474 |
38 |
3827738 |
38 |
38 |
962738 |
58129538 |
6 |
0 |
382163186 |
38 |
0 |
18 |
66 |
384 |
38278686 |
3838 |
0 |
3838 |
388686 |
0 |
0 |
6686 |
382786 |
0 |
19 |
38864661 |
383886 |
3838 |
3838168 |
0 |
38216719 |
3814 |
6 |
0 |
38638686 |
3838 |
3821 |
20 |
0 |
38 |
38878686 |
38 |
0 |
96383827878686 |
0 |
382163186 |
0 |
0 |
3838 |
69 |
21 |
3838 |
388686 |
3821878686 |
38121 |
3838 |
38276319 |
4 |
3838 |
0 |
382738 |
38896 |
0 |
22 |
384 |
38896886 |
4 |
0 |
384 |
0 |
3887886 |
38278686 |
0 |
388686 |
66886 |
0 |
23 |
3838 |
27384123 |
0 |
4 |
384 |
91963838 |
38216886 |
38896886 |
0 |
38217886 |
6886 |
0 |
24 |
38388686 |
6 |
0 |
0 |
383838 |
384 |
388686 |
38389838 |
68838386816 |
388786 |
3838 |
0 |
25 |
382186866 |
38383838 |
3885 |
93 |
3863721556 |
41888644 |
3868 |
43841138 |
384 |
388686 |
3838 |
96 |
26 |
486 |
3838 |
4 |
962127 |
4 |
968866886 |
3821186 |
388686 |
38854 |
38639295898686 |
38278786 |
6886868 |
27 |
438 |
3838 |
0 |
661 |
382138 |
0 |
383838 |
3838 |
388686 |
939 |
382187869 |
66886 |
28 |
3838 |
3863867638 |
0 |
384 |
913838 |
0 |
386318638 |
38868618338 |
68 |
962738 |
3886 |
3838 |
29 |
38 |
163827868621 |
382784686838 |
3827124 |
0 |
448538 |
388638 |
438384 |
388686 |
6886 |
38186 |
30 |
3838 |
0 |
3838 |
3838 |
0 |
38213838 |
388638 |
3882 |
38382144 |
68 |
3838 |
31 |
3821186 |
38 |
383838 |
38384 |
4 |
38216886 |
43 |
total | 5471588413 |
7850872675 |
206964361990 |
382937259639 |
52691278242 |
96481404071352 |
537804662 |
423737100444 |
73479362049 |
39030566487659 |
4317283645 |
total 2013 | ||||||||||||
the code above represents the total of all my travels in 2013. I have considered this code to be an intinerary from which I devised the following series of correspondences... a final voyage which encompassed , in some way, all of 2013. (click on image for details ) | ||||||||||||
the itinerary: | ||||||||||||
13 |
Gaité -> Montparnasse Bienvenue | |||||||||||
6 |
Montparnasse Bienvenue -> Place d'Italie | |||||||||||
67 |
Place d'Italie -> Carrefour du Chateaudun | |||||||||||
42 |
Chateaudun - Lamartine -> Rapp - La Bourdonnais | |||||||||||
69 |
Rapp - La Bourdonnais -> Voltaire - Léon Blum | |||||||||||
9 |
Voltaire -> Robespierre | |||||||||||
9 |
Robespierre -> Nation | |||||||||||
6 |
Nation -> Trocadéro | |||||||||||
9 |
Trocadéro -> Bonne Nouvelle | |||||||||||
Poetry is Disaster | |||||
correspond | |
© Mike
Schertzer 1997 - 2016